The lack of culturally sensitive programs and services is a major barrier to seeking appropriate treatment for social health and wellbeing. So, we’ve organised Shoalhaven Koori Women’s and Men’s groups – with transport available on request!
The Shoalhaven Koori Men’s Group provides a safe and culturally sensitive space through the facilitation of a support group. The group provides a structured program that is designed to support local Aboriginal men to make positive lifestyle choices. Through the delivery of this program, we aim to improve family relationships and community safety through supporting men to become better role models in the family and community context.
The group incorporates a 10 week program plan that includes:
• Cultural activities
• Guest speakers
• Education and training workshops
• Health promotion
• Life skills
• Access to skilled and qualified Aboriginal workers to provide individual case management and counselling services

The Koori Men’s group is held on Wednesday’s from 10:30am-2:30pm. Transport available on request.
The Shoalhaven Koori Women’s Group aims to empower women to make healthier lifestyle choices to improve their overall wellbeing. By providing a safe and supportive environment, Koori women can address their health and wellbeing needs with the support from peers and health workers.
Recent activities include
• Participants learnt new cooking skills through a program delivered in partnership with the Heart Foundation
• Participants learnt about mindfulness and self-care in relation to wellbeing
• Drug and Alcohol education
• Smoking cessation
• Walking and other exercise activities
The Shoalhaven Koori Women’s Group is held on Tuesday’s from 9:30am-2:30pm.
Transport available on request