Social & Emotional Wellbeing
Our Social & Emotional Wellbeing services and programs strive to reduce the harm caused by the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs and to improve community safety and the social emotional wellbeing of individuals, families and communities. We provide culturally sensitive programs and services with a holistic approach to addressing emotional, psychological, cultural and spiritual needs of Aboriginal people through counselling, case management and therapeutic group healing programs.
Our wellbeing services and programs
- Psychology, Counseling and Case Management
- Aboriginal Youth Mentoring and Counseling Program
- Substance Use Support
- Mental Health/Social Emotional Wellbeing
- Shoalhaven Koori Men’s Group
- Shoalhaven Koori Women’s Group
- SMART Group (Self-Management & Recovery Training)
- Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS)
- Strong Foundations - Koori Kids Wellbeing Program
- Youth Group
- Aboriginal Child Mentoring and Counseling Program
- Ngudjoong Billa Aboriginal Justice Reintegration Program
- Casework Support Program
- Aboriginal Mental Health First Aid