Justice Support

Justice Reintegration – Ngudjoong Billa Program 

The Ngudjoong Billa program is an Aboriginal Justice Reintegration Program delivered in partnership with Juvenile Justice and has been developed specifically to provide further support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people within the Shoalhaven who are currently in Juvenile Justice System. The program encompasses a cultural support and education component whilst still focusing on the social difficulties young people encounter and require support with and aims to help them successfully reintegrate into community and prevent re-offending.

Joint Support Program

The Joint Support Program works in partnership between Juvenile Justice and South Coast Medical Services Aboriginal Corporation. The program supports youth between the ages of 12 to 18 and aims to reduce reoffending by providing intensive support over a 12-week period for Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal youth located in the Eurobodalla, Bega Valley and Southern tablelands.



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